Rose Oates

Content Creator | Business woman | Mum of 3


Rose is a content creator and businesswoman who has multiple interests such as interior styling, fashion, health and fitness. She is also a qualified personal trainer for 17 years. She is a mum of 3 girls, a teen stepson and pregnant with her 4th daughter due in March.

She is passionate about empowering women to be more confident, to follow their dreams and be more kind to themselves and others. Rose is not afraid to speak out and open up about topics that might seem hard or awkward for others.

On her blog, and on her social media accounts, she wears her heart on her sleeve as she creates content to inspire by sharing her raw experiences navigating motherhood as a woman doing life - the good and the bad along with a lot of laughs along the way.

Brand Partnerships & Collaborations

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.



TIKTOK: @roseoates